Mark Rutte
Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s centre-right VVD is set to win Wednesday’s election ahead of the far-right PVV

Mark Rutte, the Dutch prime minster, has taken a tough stance on immigration and integration…

Leader of Poland’s ruling PiS party brings his personal vendetta to the EU’s top table

Donald Tusk has been re-elected as president of the European Council, despite fierce opposition from…

Brazil’s economy shrinks for the second year in a row

Brazil’s economy contracted 0.9 per cent in the fourth quarter from the previous three months…

Nigeria is battling its first full-year negative growth in 25 years

Nigeria’s economy shrank 1.3 per cent in the fourth quarter from a year earlier after…

Emmanuel Macron is well placed to make it to the second round run-off against the nationalist Marine Le Pen

France’s presidential election has turned into a tight three-way contest. OpinionWay, a polling group, has…

Ecuador’s presidential election goes to the second round run-off

Ecuador will go to the polls again in April, after Lenín Boltaire Moreno failed to…

Mark Rutte
The Dutch centre-right VVD is polling behind the far-right populist PVV, despite the growing economy and low unemployment

Sigmar Gabriel, Angela Merkel’s deputy chancellor, recently said that the European Union could break apart…

Romanian anticorruption protesters force the government to withdraw a controversial decree

Romania’s one-month-old government has responded to mass protests by repealing a deeply unpopular decree, which…