Obama’s Legacy: a Legal Void?

As Obama’s term in office has ended, both academia and media, and hopefully the average…

Benoît Hamon’s victory marks the shift to the left for France’s struggling Socialist party

Idealistic leftwinger Benoît Hamon, the former education minister, won the French Socialist party’s presidential nomination…

Donald Trump is fulfilling his populist agenda

Donald Trump uses his executive powers to fulfil his populist agenda, matching his combative campaign…

Benoît Hamon is likely to emerge as the Socialist party’s candidate for this year’s presidential election

Manuel Valls, France’s former prime minister, finished behind leftwinger Benoît Hamon in the first round…

The threat of force brings an end to Yahya Jammeh’s 22-year rule in Gambia

Yahya Jammeh, Gambia’s long-time leader whose term expired at midnight on Wednesday, appeared on state…

Yahya Jammeh throws Gambia into uncertainty

Yahya Jammeh, Gambia’s president, refuses to give up power. His term expires at midnight on…

A deal with disgruntled soldiers secures Ivory Coast’s status as a stable and prosperous nation

The military revolt in Ivory Coast erupted on January 6th, when soldiers took control of…

Robert Mugabe shows no signs of leaving the office

Zimbabwe’s president Robert Mugabe has been confirmed as the ruling Zanu-PF party’s presidential candidate for…