The international community must convince Yahya Jammeh to step down

Yahya Jammeh has clung to power since he took over Gambia in a military coup…

Joseph Kabila has now time to find the way to stay in power

Joseph Kabila’s second and final of five-year terms as president of the Democratic Republic of…

The most pressing issue for the new Italian government is the rescue of Monte dei Paschi di Siena

The most pressing issue for Italy’s new technocratic government led by prime minister Paolo Gentiloni,…

Turkey’s economy has been hit by a period of political upheaval

Turkey’s GDP shrank 1.8 per cent in the third quarter from the same period a…

Austrian voters reject the populist right

Alexander Van der Bellen, a Green politician who ran as an independent candidate, has won…

Matteo Renzi
Matteo Renzi suffers a humiliating defeat in a referendum on constitutional reforms

Matteo Renzi, the centre-left prime minister, has suffered a heavy defeat in a referendum on…

Brazil remains mired in a deep recession

The government of President Michel Temer plans to freeze budget spending in real terms for…

Donald Trump
The Pandora’s Box of Identity Politics. The Left’s obsession with identity politics has brought us Trumpism.

Trump has won the US presidency and Britain will leave the EU. The economic consequences…