Italy’s president aims to break the post-election impasse

Sergio Mattarella, Italy’s president, will hold a new round of consultations at the Quirinale Palace…

Italy faces many more months of political uncertainty

Luigi Di Maio, the leader of Italy’s anti-establishment Five Star Movement, has called for a…

Italy’s mainstream centre-left and centre-right political parties suffer humiliating defeats

Hopes that Italy’s traditional centre-left or centre-right parties would lead a new government have faded…

Italy’s general election could plunge the eurozone’s third-largest economy into a political deadlock

Italy’s centre-right coalition, led by 81-year-old former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, is the closest to…

Italian President dissolves parliament, setting the country on the path to general elections

Italian President Sergio Mattarella has dissolved parliament, launching a two-month campaign. The general election would…

The political mood in Italy is shifting towards the right

Italy's centre-right led by former three-time Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi won a clear victory in…

Matteo Renzi takes the first step to win back the premiership

Matteo Renzi, Italy’s former prime minister, won the race to lead the ruling centre-left Democratic…

The most pressing issue for the new Italian government is the rescue of Monte dei Paschi di Siena

The most pressing issue for Italy’s new technocratic government led by prime minister Paolo Gentiloni,…